Post Doctoral fellows

PhD Students:

Master students (Diplomanden):

Former group members:

Martin Sprengel

David Luitz

Diploma thesis: Anwendung der Diagrammatischen Monte Carlo Methode auf das BCS-Anderson Modell. Associated publication.
PhD. Numerical methods and applications in many fermion systems

Marcin Raczkowski

Michael Seissinger

Master Thesis: Engineering effective models with the cRPA.

Thomas Lang

PhD Thesis: Quantum Monte Carlo methods and strongly correlated electrons on honeycomb structures.

Burkhard Ritter

Diploma Thesis: Formation of local moments and the Kondo effect in the single impurity Anderson model: a diagrammatic determinantal continuous-time quantum Monte Carlo study.

Lee Martin

PhD Thesis: The Kondo Lattice Model: a Dynamical Cluster Approximation Approach

A. Abendschein

Diploma Thesis. Phys. Rev. B 73, 165119 (2006) 
Temperature dependence of spectral functions for the one-dimensional Hubbard model: comparison with experiments.

K. S. D. Beach

Former Humboldt fellow.

C. Brünger

Phd-Thesis: Numerical Studies of Quantum Spin Systems.

M. Feldbacher

Phd-Thesis: Hubbard and Kondo lattice models in two dimensions: A QMC study

H. C. Peng

J. Wernsdorfer

Diploma-Thesis. Kondo effect in a superconducting environment.

Maximilian Aulbach

Diploma-Thesis: Strong coupling QMC methods for the single impurity Anderson model.

Michael Mützel

Diploma-Thesis: Continuous Time Auxiliary Field Quantum Monte Carlo Impurity Solver